Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Needs Of Negative Ions

In recent years, the development of the city leads to rapid deterioration of the Earth's natural resources and environment. The Earth has become acidic, diseases surge and conventional treatments have reached their limits. Today, most of the modern diseases are caused by the increased amount of positive ions. Therefore, negative ion is the key to improvement of health and prevention of diseases.

What are negative ions? You can't see, taste or even smell them but yet in nature they are found abundant around us. They help our bodies in sustaining and improving our health. Negative ions make us feel good and they destroy the harmful bacteria. In nature, negative ions are generated by natural processes such as the ray of the sun, lightning that strikes the air, wave movements from the ocean and from waterfalls. Negative ions are found in great quantity in these areas. Our modern homes and offices today tend to have minimal quantity of these negative ions but with IONWOOD flooring, you can combat the ill feelings associated with stressful life and have a balanced and healthy lifestyle. You will feel better; more relaxed and energized in the presence of negative ions.

The 21st  Century's First Anion Floor Technology

To build the most effective negative ions wood flooring, we have developed the most advanced negative ion activation technology. We pulverize high-grade natural negative ion producing mineral and gemstones, including Germanium and tourmaline into nano particles, and infuse it into our engineered wood flooring using a proprietary process. We use the negative ions activation technology to activate the negative ion, ensuring that the wood flooring continuously releasing negative ions, so that the family can reap the benefits of negative ions have to offer.

Association Between Concentration of Negative Ion and State of Health

The Benefit of Negative Ion


Efficacy of Negative Ion (Purification of Blood)

Red blood cells as imaged using a microscope at 360x magnification.

Negative Ion Acts as Antioxidant

Keeping Your Skin Young and Supple
Negative ions prevent oxidation by prevent oxidation by protecting the skin against damaging free radicals. They retain the moisture and vitamin C of the skin, preventing oxidation of the skin and thus skin cells remain undamaged and healthy.

 Experiment Done On Apple (Antioxidant Test) After 2 Weeks


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